Jasper van de Kraats
As doctoral candidate, Jasper van de Kraats works on the theoretical analysis of strongly interacting quantum systems. Such systems are interesting since they provide a platform for realising a quantum simulator, which allows researchers to study exotic physical phenomena with high precision. Examples include Bose-Einstein condensation, fermionic cooper pairing, Efimov trimer states and emergent collective behaviour. While a strongly interacting quantum gas is often characterized by universal behaviour, independent of the precise detail of the gas, Jasper's research focuses especially on novel cases in which experiment has shown this universality to be violated. The ultracold regime is paramount to furthering our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the natural world
More information: https://www.tue.nl/en/research/researchers/jasper-van-de-kraats
We present a recently developed numerical method for the solution of the quantum mechanical three-body problem, in the challenging regime where interparticle interactions are strong. This method has shown unprecedented accuracy in comparing to state-of-the-art experiments, yet the underlying code possesses limited scalability due to its sequential and memory-limited nature. To solve this problem, we discuss a new, fully parallelized implementation of the method based on MPI, suitable for running on high-performance computing clusters.