Advanced Computing User Day

Ata Onur Baskaya

Ata Onur Başkaya is currently a fourth-year PhD candidate in the Aerodynamics Group of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft. In this field, he has obtained a BSc degree from METU in 2018 and an MSc degree from TU Delft in 2020. He then completed the diploma course at VKI in 2021. His current research is focused on high-fidelity numerical simulations of atmospheric entry flows with gas-surface interactions.


Influence of Ablation on Atmospheric Atmospheric Entry Aerothermodynamics
Ata Onur Baskaya

During atmospheric entry, the hypersonic flow environment around capsules or space debris is characterized by strong shock waves, complex fluid thermochemistry, and gas-surface interactions (GSI). Such interactions could induce material decomposition and mass loss, referred to as ablation, which alters the shape of the flying object as its surface recedes. Understanding the influence of these phenomena is crucial in the design of future spacecraft. Ground testing is inadequate for simultaneously replicating all aspects of these types of flows. Hence, proper computational modeling and simulations are essential, yet usually resource-intensive and methodologically demanding. This talk will give a brief overview of some of the recent developments at the Aerodynamics Group of the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering Faculty regarding the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations enabled by high performance computing (HPC) to study high-speed high-temperature flows with gas and surface reactions with an emphasis on the prediction and analysis of laminar to turbulent transition.

The power of High Performance Computing
Plenary Room 'Progress'