National XR Day 2025

Submit your proposal for the National XR Day 2025

Contribute to an inspiring program!

On Wednesday 2 July 2025 the third edition of National XR Day will be held at Erasmus University. We warmly invite you to submit proposals for presentations, discussions and workshops. Together we will create a program that inspires, challenges and connects.

The theme of this year's edition is Shaping new realities. We aim for sessions that are human centered, technology based, or focus on collaboration.

National XR Day is co-organized by SURF, Erasmus University and the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics.


You can choose from the following session types:

  • Presentation of 20 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A: perfect for sharing a case, demo, or a success story (or mistake!)
  • Birds of a Feather session of 45 minutes: share your thoughts, project or challenges and discuss or brainstorm together in an informal discussion group and without any fixed agenda.
  • Panel discussion of 45 minutes: an interactive discussion with a panel whose topic and members you provide. SURF can provide a moderator if needed
  • Workshop of 45 or 60 minutes: get hands-on and immerse yourself in a specific theme with others. For example, a hands-on introduction to a technical XR topic or how to best set up an XR project
  • Demonstration that is provided in selected time slots. Show your (prototype) XR application, education or research use case.

If your proposal is selected for the National XR Day, we will contact you in April.

We invite you to attend a presentation training in May or June by our host Barry Fitzgerald. The goal is to align your session with the goals and target audience of the event.

On our website (, you will find a short guide with instructions on how to write a good concrete session text and title. Read this carefully so the reviewing team, but especially your listeners, know what to expect and what will be the key takeaways from your session.


The default language for the event (and CfP submissions) is English. However, we provide the option for contributing in Dutch when preferred.


This call for proposals closes on Sunday 6 April (end of day). You will receive feedback on your submission before 22 april 2025.

The program committee consists of members from Erasmus University, ECDA, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Npuls Pilothub XR, and SURF.


A (non-exhaustive) list of topics that fit the National XR Day programme:

  • Use cases or applications of XR in education
  • Use of XR as a research tool
  • Research on novel XR forms or technologies that can be useful for the SURF community
  • Practical aspects of implementing XR in an education/research setting
  • Policy aspects related to the use of XR, regarding privacy, security, inclusivity, etc.
  • Creative & artistic use of XR
  • Calls to action that target the SURF community
  • Examples of (national or international) collaboration on XR
  • XR projects by members of the SURF community involving external (international, commercial, etc) parties.

We accept sessions from institutions or collaborations between public and private parties.

Privacy Statement

This Pretalx server is maintained and hosted under the dutiful supervision of SURF, located within a Dutch SURF data center. Any information you provide within this system will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Furthermore, to comply with privacy regulations and ensure your personal security, all personal data will be completely removed from our system 90 days following the conclusion of the event.


If you have any questions on the call for proposals and submission process, please contact us at

You can enter proposals until 2025-04-06 23:59 (Europe/Amsterdam), 1 month from now.