Staff day

SURF Talk XXL Festival

It is by now a well-known phenomenon: the SURF Talk XXL Festival during the SURF Personnel Days. For this edition we also invite you to talk about what occupies you in a 25-minute SURF Talk. This could be about brains, skills or a passion. In your application, you choose the track into which your talk fits. Below is a brief explanation.

Track Brains
This track is about knowledge transfer. For example, you are working on a service or project and would like to talk about it or perhaps spar about it with your colleagues. With joint brainpower, you might come up with some great new insights.

Track Skills
In this track, you share your skills. For example, you could tell us about a life hack that your colleagues could also benefit from. Or you have a tool that comes in very handy at work or in your private life. Expanding your skills toolkit is always useful!

Track Heart
In this track, you share your personal passion. Think for example of your hobbies or adventures. What the heart is full of.....

You can apply for your talk via the 'submit proposal' button below. Early September, the organisation will review the applications and whether they will all get a place or whether a selection is needed.

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-09-01 11:03 (UTC).