SURF Research Day 2024

Aimee van Wynsberghe

Aimee van Wynsberghe is the Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Applied Ethics of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bonn in Germany. Aimee is director of the Institute for Science and Ethics and the Bonn Sustainable AI lab. She is co-director of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics and a member of the European Commission's High-Level Expert Group on AI. She is a founding editor for the international peer-reviewed journal AI & Ethics and member of the World Economic Forum's Global Futures Council on Artificial Intelligence and Humanity. She is author of the book Healthcare Robots: Ethics, Design, and Implementation and is regularly interviewed by media outlets. In each of her roles, Aimee works to uncover the ethical risks associated with emerging robotics and AI. Aimee’s current research, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, brings attention to the sustainability of AI by studying the hidden environmental costs of developing and using AI.

  • Responsible AI in Research
Andrew S. Hoffman

Service Scientist - Research Data Management at Leiden University

  • What’s behind the Data Management Plan of the future?
Aristoteles Kandylas

Data Steward at Utrecht University

  • Transformative Workshop Delivery through SURF's Cloud-Based Solutions
Arjan Schalken

Program Manager at UKBsis

  • Towards sustainable national Full Open Access publishing agreements
Carlos Murilo Romero Rocha

Carlos is a Research Software Engineer at the Netherlands eScience Center, working on application of quantum computing and machine learning algorithms to general problems in chemistry and physics.

  • Challenges of maintaining a community research software package
Carlos Teijeiro Barjas

Advisor Supercomputing at SURF

  • Building a network for training in AI tools
Coosje Veldkamp

Policy advisor research data and software at the Utrecht University

  • Creating a metadata catalogue for multiple sensitive datasets: the Connecting Data in Child Development project
Dawa Ometto

Research Engineer at Utrecht University

  • Low-barrier access to cloud computing on ResearchCloud: a case study
Deborah Thorpe

Senior Research Data Management Specialist at DANS

  • Pecha Kucha 1: Improving the Transparency of Data Access Procedures
Deekshitha Kumbla

Phd candidate at Netherlands eScience center

  • How do you measure the maturity of your research software?
Didi Lamers

Data steward and product owner of the Radboud Data Repository at the Radboud University Nijmegen

  • Collaborating on institutional FAIR-enabling and trustworthy research data repositories
Dorien Huijser

I'm a research data manager in the Research Data Management Support team of the University Library. In this position, I support researchers in the areas of data privacy and Research Data Management.

  • Creating a metadata catalogue for multiple sensitive datasets: the Connecting Data in Child Development project
Dr. Serkan Girgin

Associate Professor at the University of Twente

  • Open Data Explorer: Bringing Computing to Open Research Data
Dr. Slinger Jansen

Associate Professor at Utrecht University

  • How do you measure the maturity of your research software?
Duuk Baten

Responsible AI advisor at SURF

  • Can AI be sustainable? A paneldiscussion
Eduard Klapwijk

Research Data Steward at Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • Extending iRods/Yoda to facilitate inter-university collaboration within the GUTS consortium
Eileen Waegemaekers

Project lead Open Research Information at SURF

  • What’s behind the Data Management Plan of the future?
Erik van Sebille

Professor in oceanography and public engagement at the University of Utrecht

  • Challenges of maintaining a community research software package
Erwin Hoogerwoord

Service Manager, Research Data Infrastructure lab at Eindhoven University of Technology

  • Tools to explore local open source large language models
Garrett Speed

Data Steward at Geosciences Data Team at Utrecht University

  • Pecha Kucha 4: Opening a Legacy of Data
Henk Dreuning
  • LUMI in The Netherlands
Jelle Treep

Research Engineer at Utrecht University

  • Low-barrier access to cloud computing on ResearchCloud: a case study
Jessy de Cooker

Researcher at Fontys

  • Pecha Kucha 3: The Shadow editorial team
Kim Ferguson

Research Data Management Specialist at DANS-KNAW

  • Open Science + Accessibility = A Winning Formula
Kyle Snyder

Kyle Snyder is an advisor and product manager in Data Preservation Services at SURF. In addition to advising scientists on data preservation, he is also involved in projects for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), developing services at the Dutch and European levels.

  • Collaborating on institutional FAIR-enabling and trustworthy research data repositories
Leon van Ekeren

Project manager at the DCC-PO

  • Building Bridges between University and UAS research: A Panel discussion
Liesbet Geris

Liesbet Geris her research focusses on the multi-scale and multi-physics modeling of biological processes. Together with her team and their clinical and industrial collaborators, she uses these models to investigate the etiology of non-healing fractures, to design in silico potential cell-based treatment strategies and to optimize manufacturing processes of these tissue engineering constructs.

Liesbet is scientific coordinator of the Prometheus platform for Skeletal Tissue Engineering (50+ researchers) and the executive director of the Virtual Physiological Human Institute.

  • EDITH, the virtual human twin. How to build bridges and work together on high computational demands?
Lucas van der Meer


  • The complete SSH workflow for sharing sensitive data
Maaike Verburg

Maaike Verburg is a Research Data Management Specialist at Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS). In different (inter)national collaborations, she works on topics related to FAIR data and assessment, as well as FAIR-Enabling Trustworthy Digital Repositories. Translating high-level international developments to the Dutch research context is one of the core activities of DANS.

  • Collaborating on institutional FAIR-enabling and trustworthy research data repositories
Maisam M. Dadkan

Data Steward at Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University

  • Pecha Kucha 4: Opening a Legacy of Data
Margriet Miedema

coordinator LCRDM/project lead Taxila at SURF

  • Pecha Kucha 2: Taxila: training materials, selections, AI augmented scraping
María Palacios Barea

PhD Researcher in Responsible Innovation for Quantum Technologies (TU Delft & QDNL)
MSc Student in Human-centered AI

  • Panel Discussion: Ethics and Responsibility in Quantum Technologies
Marius Brugman

Researcher at Fontys

  • Pecha Kucha 3: The Shadow editorial team
Mees van Stiphout

Research Software Engineer at Utrecht University

  • I-Analyzer: A Digital Text Corpus Tool for All
Meron Vermaas

Coordinator Research Software Management at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • Research software management building blocks to bridge demand and supply
Monica Rotulo

High Performance Machine Learning advisor at SURF

  • Building a network for training in AI tools
Nicolas Renaud

Director of Technology at Netherlands eScience Center

  • The Quantum Application Lab
Niels Top

Intern at SURF, student at UTwente

  • Panel Discussion: Ethics and Responsibility in Quantum Technologies
Niket Agrawal

Research Software Engineer at TU Delft

  • Challenges of maintaining a community research software package
Oncko Heldring

Contract Manager at SURF

  • Towards sustainable national Full Open Access publishing agreements
Otto Lange

Metadata specialist at the Utrecht University Library

  • Creating a metadata catalogue for multiple sensitive datasets: the Connecting Data in Child Development project
Ou Ku

Research Software Engineer at Netherlands eScience Center

  • Running Machine Learning tasks with DAT (Deployable Analysis environmenT)
Per Öster

Director Advanced Computing Facility at CSC - IT Center for Science

  • LUMI in The Netherlands
Reinder Radersma

coordinator NWO-I DCC at NWO-I

  • Building a network for training in AI tools
Rene Bekkers

Professor at VU Amsterdam

  • Transparency Check
Rens van de Schoot

Professor 'Statistics for Small Data Sets' at Utrecht University, department of Methods and Statistics.

  • Challenges of maintaining a community research software package
Ricarda Braukmann

Data Station Manager Social Sciences at DANS

  • Pecha Kucha 1: Improving the Transparency of Data Access Procedures
Rob Speekenbrink

Community Manager Publinova at SURF

  • Pecha Kucha 5: Publinova: The national platform for open applied sciences
Roeland Ordelman


  • The complete SSH workflow for sharing sensitive data
Sam Langton

Research software consultant

  • Research software management building blocks to bridge demand and supply
Sanli Faez

Associate professor at Utrecht University

  • Panel: Making waves in open science education
Sarah Alidoost

Research Software Engineer at Netherlands eScience Center

  • Running Machine Learning tasks with DAT (Deployable Analysis environmenT)
Sarah Coombs

research support advisor at Saxion/CWTS

  • Building Bridges between University and UAS research: A Panel discussion
  • Open Access Escape Room
Sara Ramezani

Team lead at SURF.

  • Challenges of maintaining a community research software package
Simon Dalmolen

Senior Researcher at TNO

  • HERACLES - a privacy preserving dataspace for cancer research
Susan Berentsen

Docent Verpleegkunde, PG-lid Samenwerken in Vakmanschap (SiV), Aandachtsfunctionaris culturele inclusiviteit en Onderzoeksthema en trainer in Onderzoeksintegriteit

  • The Research Integrity Journey
Thomas Pronk

Research Software Consultant at Amsterdam UMC

  • Research software management building blocks to bridge demand and supply
Tom Emery
  • Shaping the Social Sciences Infrastructure landscape to meet future challenges
Vincent Brunst

Data Coordinator at Faculty of Geosciences/Utrecht University

  • Transformative Workshop Delivery through SURF's Cloud-Based Solutions
Xavier Álvarez Farré
  • SURF Experimental Technologies Platform