SURF Research Day 2024

Can AI be sustainable? A paneldiscussion
05-30, 11:30–12:20 (Europe/Amsterdam), Plenary room

We are increasingly using AI, which is heavily based on data, data storage, compute, and occasionally (clickwork) labour. How does this fit within a global climate crisis?

In this panel we will dive into what it means to do AI sustainably. We have the least environmental impact when we do not do anything at all. But human beings want to travel, do science, build systems, solve problems; how can we discuss the trade-off between doing things with AI and the impact of doing those thing.

A panel discussion between AI engineers, ethicist, and sustainability experts on what the inflection points are between sustainability, performant AI systems, reporting, and ethics.

Our panellists:
• Professor Aimee van Wynsberge, University of Bonn, Sustainable AI lab
• Professor Patricia Lago, UvA, Software Engineering @ Software and Sustainability (S2) Research Group
• Luis Cruz (Technical University Delft) Assistant Professor in Software Engineering
• Sagar Dolas (SURF) Program-manager Advanced Computing and Networking

Responsible AI advisor at SURF