SURF Research Day 2024

Towards sustainable national Full Open Access publishing agreements
05-30, 11:30–11:55 (Europe/Amsterdam), Fluor podium

UKB and SURF have been unburdening researchers and supporting them to publish in Open Access via Transformative agreements since 2015, and we are now aiming to broaden the scope to also native Open Access publishers, in order to facilitate barrier-free OA publishing with a wider range of publishers.

The presentation starts with a short overview of trends in open access publishing by Dutch authors and the role of the UKB / SURF consortium strategy to support this. Both strong points and weaknesses are addressed, followed by the business case to start a national Full Open Access project in addition to the current strategy. The work within the project and the status is presented including some discussion points related to journal quality and to financing open access. The audience is asked to reflect on these discussion points through several statements (Mentimeter) and questions (open discussion with the audience). The session is finalized with a Q&A.

Program Manager at UKBsis

Contract Manager at SURF