SURF Research Day 2024

Panel Discussion: Ethics and Responsibility in Quantum Technologies
05-30, 13:10–13:35 (Europe/Amsterdam), Laboratorium

While quantum technologies are still in development, we can and should consider their impacts on future research and education.

You don’t need a PhD in theoretical Physics to think about the future of Quantum Technology. Recently twenty members of the European Parliament wrote an open letter about the need to create resistance to applications of quantum technology that pose a risk to information security. But apart from encryption Quantum also promises to impact research in a broader sense. At the same time, the field of Quantum is still clouded by its technical complexity. How can we think about the future of such a theoretically complicated technology without a full technical understanding?

Within an interdisciplinary panel, we will discuss the possible impacts of Quantum Technology in the context of research and education. From this, we hope to create an understanding of Quantum Technology and illustrate how we can work with these complicated technologies from an ethical, legal, and social lens. We will discuss questions such as: what choices have to be made in the upcoming years and how can/should we prepare for developments in quantum technology?

Panel members:
Sharon Dolmans (TU/e)
David Maier (SURF)
María Palacios Barea (TU Delft)

Panel host:
Niels Top (UTwente)

Intern at SURF, student at UTwente

PhD Researcher in Responsible Innovation for Quantum Technologies (TU Delft & QDNL)
MSc Student in Human-centered AI