SURF Research Day 2024

Building a network for training in AI tools
05-30, 14:50–15:40 (Europe/Amsterdam), Fluor podium

To accomodate the growing importance of AI in academia, we want to built a network for the development of training materials, and by that promote ethical and responsible use of AI applications.

The use of AI is becoming indispensable in academia. To maximize the benefits of these novel technologies while mitigating any potential risks, researchers and support staff require a strong foundation in the use of AI applications. By providing technological and ethical insights through skills training, we empower our colleagues with the benefits of AI while enchancing ethical awareness. This session is meant for people and organizations who want to collaborate in developing training materials on AI tools. The main purpose is to connect, find common interests, and start synergising our resources. After a short introduction we will introduce the participants to a set of AI tools which are potentially interesting on the work floor, for both scientific and non-scientific tasks. In groups, the particpants will discuss these tools and their ethical considerations to determine the most promising and resposible ones. We will summarize these findings. As outcome we expect a list of AI applications with the greatest potential to people working in academia and a few intentions to collaborate on developing training materials.

coordinator NWO-I DCC at NWO-I

High Performance Machine Learning advisor at SURF

Advisor Supercomputing at SURF