SURF Research Day 2024

Building Bridges between University and UAS research: A Panel discussion
05-30, 13:10–14:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), Plenary room

Join us in building bridges between University and UAS research through discussion. Through this panel discussion we hope to stimulate dialogue and collaboration, and to cultivate mutual understanding between 'fundamental and practice-oriented research'. This is to investigate how we can take concrete steps to improve working together and learning from each other.

Panel members include:
- Daan Andriessen, Lector Onderzoekende Vermogen, HU University of Applied Science
- Ingeborg Meijer, Senior policy advisor Science policy, team EU and International at Ministry Education, Culture and Science Senior researcher CWTS
- Arian Steenbruggen, CvB lid Fontys, Adviescollege Open Science lid
- Marcel Ras, Coordinator Network Research Data Support VU Amsterdam, Chair LDCC Network

Let’s get to know each other better so we can learn from each other and work together.

During the SURF Research Day, the DCC-PO would like to take steps towards working with others in the field through a panel discussion. The discussion envisaged aims to engage the specific audience of the research day within the context of the theme 'Building Bridges between fundamental and practice-oriented research’.

The aim of the panel discussion is to stimulate dialogue and collaboration, and to cultivate mutual understanding between 'fundamental and practice-oriented research'. This is to investigate how we can take concrete steps to improve working together and learning from each other.
In concrete terms, possible themes include:
- Social involvement in research (citizen science, public engagement, co-creation etc)
- Transparent research processes
- Open research results
- Open research data

The themes are discussed with the following questions in mind: what can universities and universities of applied sciences learn from each other regarding collaboration with each other and stakeholders, open science practices, hurdles and stumbling blocks in the research process and open science and supporting it?

Panel members include experts from relevant fields from both universities, Universities of Applied Sciences and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

  • Daan Andriessen, Lector Onderzoekende Vermogen, HU University of Applied Science
  • Ingeborg Meijer, Senior policy advisor Science policy, team EU and International at Ministry Education, Culture and Science Senior researcher CWTS
  • Arjan Schalken, Network of the Dutch University libraries and the National Library of the Netherlands
  • Ron Augustus, Chief Innovation Officer SURF.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Sarah Coombs.

research support advisor at Saxion/CWTS

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Project manager at the DCC-PO