SURF Research Day 2024

Challenges of maintaining a community research software package
05-30, 13:10–14:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), Hoog vuur

Often a researcher or research group produce a software package that is also useful for their larger community. Others will start using it and contributing to it and it can eventually become an open source sofware package owned and maintained by the community. This transformation is not, however, trivial. How does it happen? When is the software a community package? What are the steps? What are the pitfalls and lessons learned?

Professor in oceanography and public engagement at the University of Utrecht

Professor 'Statistics for Small Data Sets' at Utrecht University, department of Methods and Statistics.

Carlos is a Research Software Engineer at the Netherlands eScience Center, working on application of quantum computing and machine learning algorithms to general problems in chemistry and physics.

Research Software Engineer at TU Delft

Team lead at SURF.