SURF Research Day 2024

The Research Integrity Journey
05-30, 11:55–12:20 (Europe/Amsterdam), AV Brothers

Research support is necessary to foster responsible research practices; strengthen the bridge between research support and researchers.

Research integrity (RI) is an important aspect of responsible research practices. To support researchers at Universities of Applied Sciences in their endeavor to do responsible research, Susan Berentsen developed and gives training on RI, for which she was awarded with the SURF Research Support Champion Award in 2023. In this session Susan will illustrate that throughout the research process, a researcher encounters multiple challenges related to RI. After a brief introduction of RI and related concepts, we make a research journey with challenges related to RI to raise more awareness. At the same time, practical tools, guidelines and recently developed training materials will be presented to support researchers in promoting responsible research practices. During this session, she will also discuss the importance of the award to her career.

Docent Verpleegkunde, PG-lid Samenwerken in Vakmanschap (SiV), Aandachtsfunctionaris culturele inclusiviteit en Onderzoeksthema en trainer in Onderzoeksintegriteit