SURF Research Day 2024

Creating a metadata catalogue for multiple sensitive datasets: the Connecting Data in Child Development project
05-30, 11:30–11:55 (Europe/Amsterdam), Danswerkplaats

We will present a metadata catalogue created for 6 longitudinal child cohort studies in the Netherlands and we will discuss how it was built as a community effort, how the FAIR principles fit in, and how it will sustainably be maintained in the future.

To increase the findability and foster the reuse of the valuable data collected by six Dutch longitudinal cohort studies (YOUth, L-CID, RADAR, TRAILS, Generation R, and NTR) united in the Consortium on Individual Development (CID), the Connecting Data in Child Development (CD2) project has developed a metadata catalogue enlisting over 1000 individual measures collected within these cohort studies. These data are characterized not only by their multidisciplinarity – encompassing among others social, neural, psychiatric, and physical development -, but also by their sensitivity. Hence, the collected cohort data cannot be made publicly available, at least not in their entirety. In this session, we will demonstrate how we applied the FAIR principles to make the metadata of multiple sensitive data sets easily searchable for researchers and how at the same time we developed a sustainable community standard for sharing metadata for a particular research area: child development studies. We will discuss how this work was the result of an intensive collaboration between researchers involved in the cohort studies, and data support staff in the participating organizations, and elaborate on issues of metadata exchange with external infrastructures, sustainability questions, and how the platform we developed should fit into the larger context of (meta)data infrastructures.

I'm a research data manager in the Research Data Management Support team of the University Library. In this position, I support researchers in the areas of data privacy and Research Data Management.

Metadata specialist at the Utrecht University Library

Policy advisor research data and software at the Utrecht University