SURF Research Day 2024

The Quantum Application Lab
05-30, 13:35–14:00 (Europe/Amsterdam), Laboratorium

Real-world applications of quantum computing must be explored to assess the potential of this new technology and drive its development.

In the presentation I will give an overview of activities of the Quantum Application Lab (QAL). QAL is a consortium formed by 6 research institutes of the Netherlands (UvA, CWI, TNO, SURF, Quantum Inspire and the eScience Center) with mission to develop quantum computing applications for real-world problem. Working in collaboration with private and public research partner, QAL has developed tailored software solutions that enables researcher to explore the benefits and limitations of current quantum computing hardware and assess the long term value of this emergent technology in their sector. I will give a quick overview of some of the projects run by QAL. For example the use of quantum computing in the calibration pipeline of large scale telescope that QAL explored with ASTRON. In another project done in collaboration with the VU, QAL is developping software solutions to accelerate the adoption of quantum computing routines by quantum chemist, a potential early adopter of this technology. Finally QAL also works with private partners as for example Alliander where we explore how quantum computing could improve the simulation of the energy grid.

Director of Technology at Netherlands eScience Center