SURF Research Day 2024

Transformative Workshop Delivery through SURF's Cloud-Based Solutions
05-30, 14:00–14:35 (Europe/Amsterdam), Catering room

Different research cloud services can be deployed as reproducible Open Educational Resources in a modern classroom/workshop setting.

The latest development of advanced cloud-based infrastructure in the Netherlands by SURF has opened many possibilities for leveraging these technologies for research, including high-performance computing, and enhancing computational environments for education. While many institutions and researchers use these services for developing algorithms and code during their research projects, these cloud-based solutions can also be exploited as a teaching tool in a workshop setting. By integrating cloud-based tools such as SURF Research Cloud into our workshops, we prioritize practical applications and address software, libraries, and compatibility issues commonly encountered in a bring-your-own-device workshop format. Through interactive exercises and demonstrations conducted in cloud platforms/solutions, participants gain hands-on experience with modern tools and technologies without compatibility limitations. This approach ensures that the participants can focus on the educational material rather than troubleshooting technical challenges. Leveraging cloud platforms facilitates access to a wide range of software, tools, and libraries allowing participants to experience diverse programming languages and frameworks relevant to their research. This adaptable framework enhances the workshop experience by streamlining the learning process and empowers participants to explore the benefits of modern cloud platforms with confidence and efficiency. The deployment of such cloud solutions involves our institution's research engineering team, increasing cross-campus collaboration between our research support teams, and acting as a pathway for researchers to meet and begin working with professional programmers.

Data Steward at Utrecht University

Data Coordinator at Faculty of Geosciences/Utrecht University