SURF Research Day 2024

Open Access Escape Room
05-30, 14:50–15:40 (Europe/Amsterdam), Hoog Vuur café

Can you save your research output from Big Tech? Come and find out by joining us for an Open Access Escape Room. You can test a fun and interactive way to introduce Open Access in the process.

This escape room focuses on learning about Open Access publishing. Through puzzels and clues participants come into contact with various important themes tied to Open Access. There is no previous knowledge of Open Access needed and topics are introduced in such as way that experts can enjoy the game as well. The game itself is a tool towards focusing discussion around Open Access; the forms it can take, the benefits it can have, and the challenges it presents, and what is required for making it the norm. The average solving time is 35 min., leaving time for a tailor made discussion at the end. Let's play and see how this tool can use with in your own institution to further Open Access and Open Science there.

research support advisor at Saxion/CWTS

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